UPS guy picking up a lot of blue boxes.

What would you do if a strange blue box is delivered to your desk?

We live in the age of digital marketing. It’s easy to understand why: cost-efficiency. That’s why digital marketing experts estimate Americans are exposed to more than 4,000 commercial messages each day.

But efficiency doesn’t always equate to effectiveness. People are very good at tuning out clutter.

Let’s get physical.
The goal of this iland marketing effort is to reach current data backup customers—who have been unresponsive to digital tactics—with a Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) Upsell campaign they can’t ignore.

The box design is a repeating pattern based on the icons representing iland’s industry-leading data protection and infrastructure services.

Embrace curiosity.
This campaign uses curiosity to:
1) intrigue customer to open the box
2) educate them on new services
3) persuade them to choose a resilient DRaaS solution.

Complacency is the enemy.
Account managers chose 75 large customers that have been resistant to upgrading because their current solution “works just fine.” We must convince them that “just fine” isn’t good enough when protecting the critical data on which their business depends.

Logical next step.
The overarching message is that backup is just the beginning of data protection. As your business grows, your data protection requirements evolve. DRaaS is your logical next step.

Inside each box in this three-touch campaign is a printed fold-out piece with the business card of the customer’s account manager, and a cool promotional item.

Touch One:

The message here is “sometimes do-it-yourself jobs are simple, but don’t DIY data protection.” Included is a fix-all kit including WD-40 and duct tape with a humorous flowchart on how to fix things.

WD-40 and duct tape are the perfect analogy for IT departments trying to “DIY” data protection for critical business systems—it only takes you so far.

And here is the serious checklist designed to help the customer understand why they should upgrade.


Touch Two:
This touch includes a Tile Mate Bluetooth tracker, which is “smart technology that prepares you to protect what’s important,” just like iland does.

Attach the iland-branded Tile Mate Bluetooth tracker to your keys, laptop, or anything valuable and then track it with an app from your smart phone.


Touch Three:
Finally, we sent a pair of iland socks that are, “very useful in helping you slide across hardwood floors or keeping your toes warm on winter evenings. These socks also pair nicely with that confident feeling you’ll have speaking with your iland account manager about upgrading from data backup to an industry-leading iland Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) solution.”